Wednesday 9 December 2015

Computer Introduction


computer is an electronic machine that take the instruction after processing it display the result in the form of out put . usually  a computer has three function (1) input (2) Processing (3) output
A computer is combination of software and hardware . 
   Software are program .or set of instruction the part of computer which we can only  and cannot touch. ie file , folder etc 
where as hardware are the physical parts of computer .The part of computer which we can touch and see . i.e. monitor , hard disk  , CPU etc .

A computer is basically a programmed machine and it can do the work only that we instruct to the computer . the instruction are working basically on pre code of computer . the code or programme that we already told to the computer the computer work according to these programme . 
Now a days the computer is very essential part of our life . with out the computer we are not able to perform our work more efficiently . we need computer in every field of life . 
computer is used to 
(1) control the aeroplane 
(2) traffic signal
(3) inventory management or on the shops
(4) in school and college 
(5) for entertainment
we can understand the computer as 

computer   =software+Hardware 

Software = Programme
Programe = set of instruction 
set of instruction = computer language 
computer language = rule to write language for computer
language for computer = computer can understand only 0 and 1 
hardware = physical parts of computer 
physical part = the part which we can see and touch
see and touch = solid part ie keyboard and mouse 

remember me in your prayer 
next we start our next tutorial  . if your life then give commits . 

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